Software Resources for XAFS
Data Acquisition Programs
Theory and Analysis Programs
The links in this alphabetical list take you to a short description of the software package. Links to the package homepage can be found there.
Cerius2 XAFS from Accelrys Software Inc.
EXCALIB, EXBACK, and EXBROOK from Daresbury Lab
Hephaestus, Athena, and Artemis : Bruce Ravel's collection of analysis programs
IFEFFIT : An XAFS analysis package developed at CARS.
/MAX ( Multiplatform Applications for XAFS): Alain Michalowicz's (and coll.) collection of analysis programs
XAFS Data Analysis Program (XDAP) for Windows from XAFS Services International
/NotesForAuthors : How to add your software to this list
Other Lists of Software Resources
XAS Data File Format
XasDataFormat: Discussion page for the creation of a standardized XAS data format