Recent News about XAFS
Use this page to add information about recent news, upcoming conferences, and recently published papers about XAFS
A new Book on XAFS, from Grant Bunker: Introduction to XAFS: A Practical Guide to X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy, Grant Bunker, 2010, Cambridge University Press, amazon link
Conferences and Workshops Crystallography Beyond Diffraction, Camerino, Italy 4-8 July, 2011
"Improving the data quality and quantity for XAFS experiments" (Q2XAFS2011) co-organized by IUCr XAFS and SR Commissions, IXAS, Institute for Material Structure Science, KEK 2, XAFS Society of Japan and Foundation for Advancement of International Science. This workshop will be held on April 12-13, 2011 at Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan. Q2XAFS2011 will focus on protocols for XAFS measurements and the standardization of XAFS set-ups. Newly developed XAFS beamlines and future prospects will also be discussed:
Recent Papers