Job Postings
Looking for an XAFS-related job or a person to fill an XAFS-related position? Use this page! (Please put the date of posting in the header line so that the date shows up in the table of contents.)
Postings more than one year old
Senior Research Associate (equivalent to Postdoc) in the Physics Department at the Illinois Institute (July 31, 2013)
A Senior Research Associate (equivalent to Postdoc) position is available in the Physics Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology. A Ph.D. awarded after August 2010 and experience in either synchrotron radiation techniques, atom probe, or pulsed laser deposition are required. The project will require handling radioactive materials. Candidates should have a degree in Physics, Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemistry, or other closely related field.
My group has a variety of projects ongoing including the investigation of radiation damage in structural materials and nuclear fuels; chemical reactivity and composition of nuclear fuels and claddings; and environmental speciation of actinides. Work on these projects will be conducted at the Advanced Photon Source, the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, and the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility. The senior research associate will be expected to work with a team of graduate and undergraduate students; researchers from National Laboratories; and collaborators from other Universities. The candidate will be involved with sample preparation work, sample characterization measurements, instructing students and collaborators. The candidate will be expected to publish experimental results in scientific journals; present results at scientific meetings; travel to the National User Facilities as necessary; and be capable of working under the safety envelopes of all potential work sites.
The postion is available as of August 1, 2013, and is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for 2 additional years. The annual salary depends on experience and qualifications. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to Professor Jeff Terry <terryj AT iit DOT edu>. This position will be open until filled.
The Illinois Institute of Technology (located in Chicago, IL) is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Open Post-doctoral Position in CFI-CES, Institute for Basic Science, Korea (February 5, 2013)
Spectroscopy study of Functional Oxide Systems
Positions for a few postdoctoral researchers are available in the spectroscopy team in the Center for Functional Interfaces of Correlated Electron Systems (CFI-CES), Institute for Basic Science (IBS), located in Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. The positions are initially for two years but can be extended depending on the researcher’s performances. Salary for the post-doctoral position will be about $40,000 - 52,000 per annum subject to his/her career. The post-doctoral researcher will perform spectroscopic analysis including IR spectroscopy (Spectroscopic ellipsometry and FT-IR) at the institute or synchrotron experiments such as soft/hard x-ray absorption spectroscopy and XAFS analysis for new functional oxide materials (mainly strongly-correlated electron system). For the synchrotron experiment, application/use of the facilities in Pohang Light Source (located in Pohang, South Korea) is preferred. However the researcher may also apply/use for the beamtime of other facilities abroad.
CFI-CES has been recently established to investigate novel emerging phenomena at surfaces/interfaces of heterostructures of correlated electron materials. The center is composed of a number of groups, including single crystal/thin film synthesis group, density-functional-theory group, surface spectroscopy group, and device physics group. Each group will conduct collaboratively or independently.
Requirements for Candidates:
- A Ph. D. degree in physics or chemistry.
- An expertise in spectroscopic analysis with knowledge on strongly correlated electron system.
- Proficiency in communicating/writing in English.
Documents to be submitted
- A curriculum vitae
- A list of publications
- Statement of research purposes.
- A list of recommenders
Candidates should send the documents by March 31, 2013 to Professor Tae Won Noh <twn AT phya DOT snu DOT ac DOT kr> For more details, please visit
APS beamline scientist position at beamline 11-ID-D (10 September 2012)
Responsible for planning and implementing synchrotron radiation research, and for designing, constructing, and operating synchrotron equipment in support of time-resolved research in chemical and physical sciences. Develops scientific applications and advanced instrumentation for x-ray time-resolved research in chemical and physical sciences.
For more information, contact Peter Chupas <chupas AT anl DOT gov>