
Solid state detectors with an energy bandwidth > 150 eV for the Kalpha emission lines of the 3d transition metals cannot be used for X-ray emission spectroscopy with lifetime resolution. Bragg optics using a perfect single crystal monochromator (like the beamline monochromator for the incident energy) can achieve the required energy resolution. Several geometrical schemes to realize such a secondary spectroscopy have been thought off and implemented at synchrotron radiation sources as well as laboratory X-ray and/or particle sources (e.g. protons):

- Johann

- Johansson

- van Howe

The geometries are based on the Rowland circle. In Johann and Johansson geometry the diameter of the Rowland circle is defined by a spherically bent analyzer crystal. Sample, crystal and detector and moved along this Rowland to change the Bragg angle and thus to perform and energy scan.


Selected References

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